Saturday, July 31, 2010

News, News, what's in the News?

So much to do and so little time to do it in.

I guess first off, I should say WE ARE MOVING! Finally. After 5 years in the same house we have decided to do the dredful deed and move. I have so so much stuff. I have taken 4 loads of things to charity and you can't hardly see a dent in my STUFF!

The count down is on....I am running out of time, patience, and helpers!

So, I would like to encourage any and all that might or might not read this blog, to purge. Purge now! Do not wait until you have "too much stuff" like I have done. It is hard to let go sometimes. I am the one that preaches all the time about "if you haven't used it in the last 6 months or seen it in the last 12 months, then let it go" is now time to take my own advice, kind of tastes like vinegar.

On the other hand, it is so freeing to make those trips to charity and release all the extra baggage I have been carrying these past years. What a feeling it is to say goodbye to all that STUFF.

Now, let's see what else I can find to give away......

Thursday, May 13, 2010

YIKES...has it been that long?

Has it really been that long? My last entry was April 4th! I guess not much has really happened here in Vancouver, at least nothing to blog about anyway.

I do have some good news to share though. I was offered a permenant Part Time position at my work! What a relief. Thank you Brenda Lou! I promise to do everything I can to make YOUR job easier for you! I am so blessed to have this opportunity, it is exactley the hours I wanted and needed. See, if you pray long enough and hard enough, God will listen.

Chante is about to graduate! That is good news. She graduates on June 10th. I have really had to ride her hard this past year. She always tells me I am a nag, and that I should back off, but I just want her to put more effort into her studies and be proud of the work she is doing. She is really a great kid. Chante can do anything she puts her mind to, just don't tell her that her mother wants her to do it or she will put on the brakes!

I had an awesome Mother's day. My girls were very good to me. They washed and cleaned my "Bad Ass SUV"! My girls are the best!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

VooDoo Doughnuts, Portland OR

So yesterday we ventured out to Portland to find the infamous VooDoo Doughnuts. Not far from where Lolo works, we found the Pepto Bismal Pink building that everyone talks about.

"At Voodoo Doughnut, each donut is magic. From bubble gum to peanut-butter-filled donuts, each donut is bound to cast a spell on your taste buds. Devoted patrons flock to Voodoo Doughnut 24/7 to get their wacky donut fix. What's the most popular item on the menu? According to the owner, the Bacon Maple Bar reigns supreme. It's a combination of pancake, bacon and maple syrup flavor. Would you like some donuts and a wedding? The owners of Voodoo Doughnut are Universal Life ministers. Of course, the donuts and coffee are included in the wedding price"

So good, we are already planning out next trip....hmmmm....what shall I get this time?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

They are all ducks! They, by they I mean my children, peck and you and peck at you until you can no longer stand it! You have to give in or you will end up nothing more than duck food. Constantly pecking, nagging, begging, taunting, whining, it never ends. When did I sign up for this? I just wanted to be a mom, not a duck handler.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ok, so I took this quiz on Oprah's web site that is suppose to tell you what kind of person you are and what kind of jobs are best for you. I was skeptical to say the least. Every test I have taken like this in the past has told me that I should be a Nurse or Teacher. Funny things is, when I was younger, that is exactly what I wanted to be! I dreamed of being a Nurse or Teacher.

I went into the nursing field and become a Certified Nursing Assistant, and loved it. I loved helping the elderly and enjoyed conversations with them. I did my job and did it well, the whole time having a blast doing it. I am too old and I have let my health deteriorate to the point that I can no longer be a CNA (or as they are now called, NAC). I thought about going into nursing and becoming an RN. I even looked into the education program that one of my jobs had. My charge nurse kept telling me that I would make a great nurse. The only problem was, I was terrified of going back to school. I didn't believe in myself enough.

Now that Sheri is going through nursing school, and I see how hard it really is, I know I was not ready at that point in my life, and now I no longer have the desire to become a RN. I am not good with chemistry or biology classes. The A&P class I took at Everest was hard enough for me, and that was nothing compared to what Sheri had to take.

Anyhow, back to this quiz. Here are the results of my quiz, you tell me what you think.

You are a nurturer: You are caring and supportive in your personal relationships as well as in your job. Unselfish and altruistic by nature, you often anticipate the needs of those around you before they are aware of them. If there is one thing that brings you satisfaction, it's tending to others.

What to watch out for: When you're doing things for people only to feel valued, you can become resentful. And if you sense that your help is not appreciated, you may end up playing the martyr. So before giving your time to everyone else, make sure to take care of yourself (physically, emotionally, and spiritually). And practice waiting until someone asks for help: While you may be able to perceive what a person needs, that doesn't mean she wants you to attend to it.

Looking ahead: It's important for you to be genuinely of service in acknowledged ways. Whether you foster a child, care for an elderly aunt, rescue animals, or support a rock star's career as her personal assistant, look for opportunities where you can help other people or bigger causes. Volunteer work has your name written on it, as do many careers: nursing, teaching, customer service, healing, social work. Don't feel pressured to run the company or lead the project; you may be even more effective as someone's right hand. And you'll likely find working with other people more meaningful than flying solo.

Bingo! They hit the nail on the head again. Notice the careers in RED....nursing, teaching, healing....again, what's up with that? What about my degree in accounting?

The other area which I would love to get into, but am to afraid to, is healing. I love essential oils. I love, love, love, them and would do anything to study under someone that really had a working knowledge of them. My favorite oils are Young Living. I sit and read that web site for hours. I even have purchased their oils and love them, although they are on the spendy side.

Anyhow, here is the link to Oprah's quiz: HERE

Lets see how accurate they are with you!

Friday, January 1, 2010


The last decade summed up in three here.

Good bye......2009.
Glad to see ya go.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

All I want for Christmas! Oh My Gosh! I have got to get my hands on this. I am such a fan of The Pioneer Woman....she is funny, witty, talented, and has such good taste! Check out her bolg, I bet you will get hooked.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hilary Weeks

Hilary Weeks
Christmas Once Again
on sale now at Deseret Books

Ok, if you know me, then you know that I am a huge, I am talking Godzilla huge, fan of Hilary Weeks! Don't believe me? Ask my children, or better yet just take a look at the picture on the very bottom of my blog. It never changes.

I first was introduced to Hilary about 10 years ago, give or take. She came to my ward and gave a wonderful talk and even preformed. I of course was mesmerized by her wonderful talent, both in music and in the way she spoke. I can't tell you how much I admire this woman. I have had several chance to meet her face to face, thanks to Time Out for Women.

Now the real reason for this post. I have all of Hilary's CD's as you can imagine. But she has once again blessed us with another. I encourage everyone to run, don't walk, to your nearest Deseret Book and pick one up, or use the link at the top of this post and order one or two or ten! They make wonderful Christmas gifts, and no better way to ring in the season, than listening to Hilary singing about Christmas!

(I don't know why this is in such large print! Honestly, it looks fine in my edit window but as soon as I publish the post...boom, super large text. So I guess you will have to just take it as, I am very excited to announce Hilary's new CD! giggle giggle)

A little piece of Heaven

This morning I couldn't sleep. I have a cough that is coming on and everything was cold, from my nose to my toes. So, instead of laying there in bed coughing my head off, I got up and took some cold pills (because you can't get me to take cough syrup unless you sit on me and poke my eyes out with hot needles...not a pretty sight) and started to catch up on some of the blogs I try to follow.

One of my most favorite blogs is The Farm Chicks. She just gets me. I love everything about her blog. She lives the life I have always dreamed of. Well today she posted the most awesome, wonderful, perfect blog. Jump on over and look at the beautiful pictures she has, and her comments are so uplifting and inspiring. In a comment I left for her I let her know that "today is cloudy and rainy in Portland" but she brought sunshine to my day with her blog.

I can't get enough of Autumn colors and old country barns. Pure heaven if you ask me.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Time Flies

So, what has happened?
Kids are all doing well in school.
All of them are getting A's and B's! Yippee
Sheri is still in Nursing school.
Sometimes it gets overwhelming but she powers through.
I am in my last quarter of getting my
Administrative Medical Assistant Diploma!
Caleb is in Kindergarten but has missed a lot of school
because he has been sick. He's on the way to recovery though!
Halloween was a blast, even though we didn't go at it whole heatedly.
Went to the ward party, had tons of fun,
kids went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood,
not as many people passed out candy this year.
Houses were few and far between.

Welcoming in the Holidays!
I am getting in the mood!

Love to all.